Cosmetic Dermatology

Dr. Bobby has a keen eye for cosmetically enhancing your appearance. During your consultation, he will analyze your facial features, recommend the most beneficial cosmetic treatments and provide you with a complete skin care plan.

Dr. Bobby's goal is to help you look youthful without looking overdone. Having the right cosmetic dermatologist can make a world of difference!


Cosmetic Services Offered:


Neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, etc.)

You may not have heard the term neuromodulators before. However, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the colloquial term “Botox”. Botox has simply become the most popular term for the treatment in the same way that Kleenex is the popular term for tissues…


Fillers (Soft Tissue Fillers)

Patients can also improve their facial aesthetic with dermal fillers such as Juvéderm© and Restylane©. Fillers are injectables formulated for the correction of cosmetic issues on the lower part of the face.


Laser (BBL/HALO/IPL/Resurfacing)

Dr. Bobby uses the Sciton Joule, the industry’s leading laser platform for many different laser treatments. Acne, Pigmentation, Wrinkles are just a few things that can be improved with a laser treatment.


The unique CoolSculpting® fat-freezing technology is a nonsurgical, scientifically proven way to reduce pockets of fat in trouble spots such as the abdomen, flanks, or under the chin in as little as one session…


Kybella® (deoxycholic acid) is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment to reduce fat under the chin (double chin).

Thread Lift (PDO Threads)

A thread lift is a type of procedure wherein temporary sutures are used to produce a subtle but visible "lift" in the skin. Instead of removing the patient's loose facial skin surgically, the cosmetic surgeon simply suspends it by stitching up portions of it. This has the effect of pulling the skin back slightly and therefore lifting and tightening the face.